Shoshoni Senior Center offers curb-to-curb transportation service. We offer rides within Shoshoni or rides from Shoshoni to Riverton, Thermopolis, Lander, or Casper. You can schedule rides for appointments, shopping, and other errands or activities.

Please be aware of the following:

  • Rides must be scheduled in advance. Call the Senior Center to request a ride at least 24 hours in advance. We do NOT provide emergency transport. If it is an emergency, call 911 and not the Senior Center.
  • Rides should be scheduled within transportation operating hours, which are 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM, Monday through Friday, except on days the Senior Center is closed. Schedule your appointment or plan your trip so that our driver can return to the Senior Center by 3:00 PM. This is especially important for trips to Casper.
  • Rides depend on driver availability. We only have one volunteer driver and cannot accommodate every request. We do not have a driver here at the Senior Center who can drive at any time. Our volunteer driver only comes in for scheduled rides.
  • Rides depend on weather conditions. Scheduled rides may be canceled due to unsafe road conditions or other unexpected circumstances.

Call the Senior Center to check availability and schedule a ride.

Transportation service

Roundtrip Fares

Within Shoshoni$2

We will consider occasional exceptions to the schedule, other ride destinations, and rides requiring pickup in a location other than Shoshoni. We do our best to accommodate those in need of our transportation service, but as a very small nonprofit operation we cannot accommodate every request and must operate according to the requirements of our funding sources and policies.

For those with a disability, there is a rural transportation voucher program that might help pay for your transportation needs through Wyoming Services for Independent Living. The program is by self-referral only, so you need to call them (not the Senior Center) to see if you qualify.

Other Transportation Resources and Information